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Pork and Pigs

We currently sell apple-finished, Berkshire pork, pasture raised on our farm.

Whole hog, 170-300lbs @ $2.75/lb hanging weight + slaughter and process fees
Half hog, 85-150lbs @ $3.00/lb hanging weight + slaughter and process fees
(See bottom of page for more information on whole/half hogs)
Live pig, 150-300lbs @ $2.50/lb
Occasionally we have breeding quality boars and gilts available - if you're interested, contact us.

Slaughter fee is $35 for whole hog; $17.50 for half hog. Processing fees vary between $.42/lb for basic cut/wrap to $.75-to-$1.50/lb for smoking/sausages depending on what you want done. Average total processing/slaughter fees are about $1/lb. Contact us for details.

Pork Chops (bone-in, 1 1/2" thick) @ $6/lb
Ham (unprocessed; can be quarter, half or whole ham), 5-18lbs @ $5/lb
Ham (cured and smoked; can be quarter, half or whole ham), 5-18lbs @ $7/lb
Smoked Bacon, Thicksliced @ $8/lb
Fresh Side (Pork Belly), Slab, 4-12lbs @ $6.50/lb
Smoked Jowl, Thicksliced @ $7.00/lb

Bulk Sausage (seasoned ground pork) @ $6/lb
Kielbasa/Links/Italian/Etc. Sausage @ $6.50/lb
Smoked Kielbasa/Smoked Sausages @ $7.00/lb
Ground Pork (Unseasoned) @ $5.00/lb

Shoulder Roast, Boston Butt, Bone-in @ $6.00/lb
Shoulder Roast, Picnic, Bone-in @ $6.50/lb
Baby-Back Spare Ribs @ $4/lb
Loin Steaks @ $7.50/lb
Tenderloin @ $8.50/lb

Hocks (unprocessed) @ $3.50/lb
Hocks (smoked) @ $5.50/lb

Leaf Lard - $5.50/lb
Soup/stock bones (when available) - $.50/lb
Organs - special request only


All chickens are heritage breeds and pastured here on the farm. If you have a specific age/weight you're interested in, just ask!

Eggs @ $2.50/dozen
Whole chicken, butchered, average 3-4lb fryers @ $4/lb
Live hens, 8-12 months old @ $20
Live capones, 3-4 months old, approximately 4-5lbs @ $14
Live roosters, 8-12 months old, approximately 6-8lbs @ $20

We raise Cuckoo Maran, Light Brahma, Golden Laced Cochin, Ameracauna and Salmon Favorelle chickens.

We have pekin ducks and American Buff Geese. They are available by special order only.

We sell heritage breed and broad-breasted turkeys. Turkey sales are seasonal. We sell turkeys in October-November. Orders may be placed from January-September.

Whole pastured heritage breed turkey, butchered, 10-18lbs @ $6/lb
Whole pastured broad-breasted turkey, butchered, up to 25-30lbs @ $4/lb
Live Turkey hen 10-18lbs @ $50
Live Turkey tom 14-25lbs @ $70

We raise Narragansett and Bourbon Red heritage breed turkeys and Broad-breasted Bronze commercial breed turkeys.


We have Silver Fox Rabbits in black and blue.

Live rabbit, pet quality, doe or buck @ $25
Live rabbit, show quality doe, with pedigree @ $50
Live rabbit, show quality buck, with pedigree @ $40
Whole rabbit 3-5lb fryer @ $3.50/lb


We currently have no goats available!


Please contact us directly for bulk/wholesale orders!




Hanging weight is the weight of the hog after it has been slaughtered, skinned and gutted. A typical 220-280lb hog will have a hanging weight of 160-220lbs. Actual weight after processing is typically about 20-30% less (after bones and excess fat are removed). So, a 160lb hanging weight hog is actually about 130lbs of meat. If you keep the organs, leaf lard and other parts that are typically disposed of, your final weight will be closer to the hanging weight.

Our standard processing for a 160lb hanging weight hog will yield:
6 roasts @ 5-9lbs/roast
4 half hams @ 7-9lbs/half ham
18-22lbs pork chops - approximately 24 1 1/2" thick pork chops
8-10lb bacon (smoked or kept as 'fresh' pork belly)
2-4lb smoked jowls
4-6lb hocks
10-14lbs sausage
5-7lbs spare ribs
4-6lbs neck bones

Obviously, you could elect to have fewer roasts and more sausage, or smaller hams and then get some pork steaks, or fewer pork chops and get 'country' spare ribs instead..

A half hog will yield roughly has as much! A whole hog will take about 4-6 cubic feet of freezer space, a half hog will just about fill a standard size refrigerator freezer.